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What we’re about

Book group for those who like science fiction literature and want to read/revisit classic novels in the genre.

Note: Due to overwhelming attendance and capacity restrictions, new members are not currently being accepted into the group. This message will be updated whenever that should change.

RSVP Rules: Due to overwhelming attendance and capacity restrictions, we are asking that members only attend a meeting if they successfully RSVP into an open slot.

-If you cannot attend, please update your RSVP accordingly in a timely manner, so someone can be automatically moved from the waitlist to take your spot.

-If you are not certain about your ability to attend, please delay RSVPing (or remove yourself to the waitlist) until you become certain, so that priority can be given to those who are already certain they can attend.

-No-shows (including those who cancel their RSVP with less than 48 hours notice before the meeting) are removed from the group.

Dues: Due to the ever-rising costs of Meetup, we are asking that active members pay $20 in dues each year.

Upcoming events (2)

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