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GenCon wrap-up

From: Nate S.
Sent on: Monday, August 17, 2009, 10:29 AM
Hi folks,

The Gen Con trip was terrific. I made a number of company connections and lined up some promotional product to giveaway on a monthly basis to members that RSVP for events.

While there are still a number of follow-ups I need to make, we'll be seeing some visiting GMs coming in to run clinics and introduce you to systems you might not have tried. We'll also be running some workshops on creating content (maps, models, painting) to add flair to your games.

Ongoing, there will be regular RPGA events posted courtesy of our Chicago area stores, and we'll help you connect to other RPers in your local area to see about starting your own games.

Feel free to toss some suggestions out if there is something you'd really like to see!


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