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AGENTS! Get a FREE Lead Gen Website

From: Alexa J.
Sent on: Saturday, May 4, 2013, 11:14 AM

If anyone is interested, I am offering a lead generation website at no cost to the members of our group.  Normally I charge $595, but since it’s a design I already have, I’d love to give it to you. It’s a great tool to generate extra leads and I’m sure it can help.


Just send me a note with:

·         Your primary area

·         The areas you cover (max of 9 other areas)

·         Your name, company, and phone number (if you want it on your website)

I’ll do your site and send it so you can take a look at it.  Because of the time involved - this is only for our group. 


I look forward to meeting everyone soon!




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