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New Meetup: Outrageous V Dive Charter with Discovery Diving

From: Laura
Sent on: Monday, March 15, 2010, 5:01 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Triangle Scuba Group!

What: Outrageous V Dive Charter with Discovery Diving

When: Saturday, May 15,[masked]:00 AM

Discovery Diving
414 Orange Street
Beaufort, NC 27516

Let's go charter diving with Discovery Diving in Beaufort! I'm a firm believer that more information is better, so here we go...

Steve called this morning, and there are 4 spots left on the Saturday/Sunday charter for May 15/16. Cost is $115 per day plus tanks. Book directly through Discovery at[masked]. For more information, check out: -- just look for Dive Charters/Outrageous V. If you want to stay in the Discovery bunk house, let them know when you call to make your reservation. It's fairly inexpensive (I think ~ $10/day).

Also note that Gypsy Divers is taking a group on this charter, so you may be able to book through Gypsy if Discovery fills up. ( Gypsy charges $140/day, including the bunk house. I don't know about tanks. Their number is[masked]. I will caution you that Gypsy is a bit more strict about your level of certification/diving experience.

I'm setting the RSVP limit to 4, but leaving the wait list open -- Gypsy may release spots as we get closer to the weekend. I'll update anyone on the wait list if I hear that more slots are available. Note that RSVPing throught the meetup site DOES NOT guarantee your spot on the charter -- book with Discovery or Gypsy!

Cotton and Steven should also be up and running by this weekend. They can accomodate 6 divers, and I believe Cotton told me cost would be about $125/day. Check out their website at There's no guarantee that we'll be on the same dive sites, but Cotton said he's only about 15 minutes from Discovery, so we can always meet up for dinner and drinks after Saturday's diving!

Finally, I'm not a bunk house kind of girl, and since I'll be celebrating my 40th birthday on this trip, I want a little more luxury for the Saturday overnight. If anyone else is interested in hotel lodging, let me know and I'll see if I can work out some sort of group discount with a local hotel. Suggestions are welcome!

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