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Reminder: Reston Jaycees Social @ American Tap Room 6PM Tonight

From: Nicholas H.
Sent on: Thursday, December 16, 2010, 11:14 AM
Hello Reston Jaycees Interest Group ?

It?s snowing! We might be getting three inches this afternoon. What does that mean for tonight? Well if you can?t make it, no problem, but we will still be meeting at the American Tap Room in the Reston Town Center tonight at 6pm. (Look for us to the left of the bar by the front window)

If you are still undecided about joining this is a great opportunity to meet other members. For those of you that are ready to be part of history by becoming a founding member of the Reston Jaycees please submit your membership dues today.

You can pay your $100 membership dues with your credit card by calling Debra Patrick[masked] at the Virginia Jaycees office. If you would like to pay by check please either mail it to me or bring it tonight along with your application.
Tomorrow morning we are submitting the application for our charter along with the names of our 20 founding members. Please confirm with me if you want to be included on this list.

Membership Application: If you would prefer to e-mail me your application, please send me the following information:
State: Zip:
Month & Year of Birth:
Mobile Phone:
E-mail Address:
Referred By:

Please stay connected with us through:
LinkedIn -
Facebook -
Meetup -

Feel free to give me a call if you have any questions. [masked]

Looking forward to seeing many of you tonight!
Warm regards,