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What we’re about

Please click on and read this WAIVER before requesting to join this Meetup group.
Note: This group is open to members and prospective members of the Rochester Bicycling Club. Prospective club members can try this Meetup group for 2 weeks by pressing the "REQUEST TO JOIN" BOX on this page.  All are welcome to come to an RBC ride as a guest.

Joining this Meetup group will give you detailed ride information, including maps, electronic routes and start locations. Being on this Meetup group does NOT mean you are a member of the Rochester Bicycling Club.  If you like what we have to offer, we hope that you will join the club.  See JOIN OR RENEW to become a paid club member.   
The RBC has sponsored rides or supported advocacy, education and community cycling events for over 50 years.  Our schedule is diverse, featuring hundreds of rides in upstate NY. There is quite a variety - truly something for everyone! Weekend rides are scheduled April - November, and weekday evening rides run all summer long. During peak season, rides will be added on weekdays, usually on short notice - great for retirees, but also for anyone who wants to take a day off now and then.

In general, cycling experience and self-sufficiency is expected. *Arrive 15 minutes before the ride start time.* Come prepared! Always have a ride map, water bottle, cell phone, helmet and spare tube. Riders of varying speeds attend our rides. Typically, on the same ride, participants average 12-13 mph to 17-18+ mph. All riders (including guests) are required to sign a liability waiver, and those under age 18 must be accompanied by an adult.

The rides labeled Supported Rides (SR) are shorter and flatter. They are ridden as a loose group that will pause to regroup from time to time. To do a SR, you need to be physically conditioned and able to cycle for 2 hours at about 10-12 mph over some possible rolling terrain. The leader rides at the back of the group and is there to provide support and encouragement to those who may be new to group riding.

*Please RSVP for rides.* It is helpful to the leader and to other potential participants to know who is planning to show up.

We're looking forward to seeing you on the road!