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Cardio Canine 5k

From: Jeff
Sent on: Friday, January 6, 2012, 11:28 AM

Hi Doggie Athletes!

I've put the wheels in motion for the first annual Cardio Canine 5k on March 31.  This will be a dog friendly 5k taking place in Alexandria at the Cameron Run Park benefiting the Animal Welfare League of Alexandria.  We'll be partnering with Pacer's Events, who organized the Lost Dog 5k series and many other local races, to put on a quality, fun race for doggie athletes and their training partners.    

I'm looking for help on the race organizing committee, specifically folks who can help in Marketing (get the word out for people to sign up) and Sponsors (find businesses who will sponsor the race).    

Our tentative first meeting will be Monday, Jan 16, (yes I know its a holiday) in the evening at the Alexandria Shelter.  

If you are interested in helping let me know!


Jeff & Josie