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The Pleasures of Fully Living - Canary Rooftop Socializing Thursday

From: Tia
Sent on: Tuesday, June 17, 2014, 11:43 AM


Hi Everyone!

Wow! Fresh back from the French Riviera and thrilled to make one of my favorite gatherings at the Canary rooftop. Something I appreciated about the people in Monaco was how FULLY they lived life. After work was a time to get together, be social and have fun. I know in Santa Barbara there are many things to do so being social or not is always a choice. We're glad so many are choosing to Live la dolce vita with us!

For those who haven't come out for awhile, come join and let's all make it a point to meet 3 new people. If this is your first time coming, please tell us and we will be happy to introduce you to others. The 72 degree and mostly sunny forecast sets the stage for lovely evening. Be sure to send in any song request for the DJ as there will be space for dancing and quitter places for just mingling. A little something for everyone :)

We are looking forward to seeing you.


Tia & Kaylin





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