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New Meetup: The Power of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and TimeLine Therapy

From: Jane Ilene C.
Sent on: Tuesday, May 26, 2009, 2:21 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The San Diego County Entrepreneur Meetup Group!

What: The Power of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and TimeLine Therapy

When: June 5,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: A life-transforming, personal growth technology and process

Come Learn about:

- What this is, and how it applies to your life

- How this process clears limiting decisions that undermine your life

- How change occurs

- What can prevent The Law of Attraction tools (referred to in "The Secret") from effectively manifesting what you desire, and how TimeLine Therapy can reverse that, opening the channels for easily manifesting abundance into your life

Presented by:
Jane Ilene Cohen
Intuitive & Transformational Counselor, Teacher & Author
(NLP & TimeLine Therapy Master Practitioner, and Hynotherapist) . . [address removed] . (760)[masked]

Friday, June 5th, 6 - 7:30pm
Ocean Beach People's Foods - Community Room
4765 Voltaire Street
San Diego, CA 92107

RSVP to (760)[masked] - Only space for 18 people.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming is the study of the language of the mind, how our subjective experience is created, and how it can be changed. One way NLP facilitates change is through working with the structure of how we keep dysfunctional life experiences alive, rather than dwelling on the content of them. The techniques, developed from the fundamentals of Neuro-Linguistics, are magnificently empowering. Those who experience them discover how we are in charge of our life, rather than a victim of it.

TimeLine Therapy is one of the most powerful, life-transforming NLP processes developed. It is a hypnotic process that accesses and releases pivotal limiting decisions holding in place dysfunctional patterns in your relationships, self-esteem, career, financial situation and other areas of your life that aren't working.

Jane Ilene Cohen comes from a spiritual background that was influenced by many disciplines, especially including A Course in Miracles and the Abraham-Hicks work, as well as personal direct experience. She has had a private counseling practice since 1995, currently in Encinitas. Jane works with individuals and couples, and facilitates a weekly group experience called "Shifting into Your New Consciousness." Numerous of her articles have been published in magazines and anthologies, and she is currently writing a book.

Learn more here:

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