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What we’re about

The San Francisco Chapter of the American Cetacean Society (ACS) supports the mission, vision, and values of the national organization: to protect whales, dolphins, porpoises, and their habitats through public education, research grants, and conservation actions.

Whales, dolphins, and porpoises face more challenges today than at any other time in history. More than ever before, we must explore innovative, strategic ways to ensure the protection, safety, and welfare of cetaceans, and restore the health and biodiversity of wild marine and riverine habitats.

Together, we can protect cetaceans and their habitats in ways that restore ecosystem health, and in doing so, secure hope for humankind.

ACS recognizes that mission success will only be possible in cooperation and collaboration with key partners. We value and commit to creating and maintaining effective partnerships with key non-governmental, intergovernmental, and non-profit organizations, local whale watching operators, government and private entities, and academic institutions whose missions intersect with our own.

Please join the national organization at