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What we’re about

  • Location photography at nearby places with the LF gear (we all know it takes a lot more deliberate effort and time to capture a great LF photograph compared to a digital camera)

  • Meet and network with the fellow LFers

  • Share techniques, exchange ideas

  • Show your photography work

  • Exchange prints

  • Show/look at the photography equipment

  • Just have a cup of coffee or lunch with people with the similar wavelength

  • In short, any interesting and fun activities related to LF photography that the members would like to do

If you are not sure if this group is for you…

The members of this group use highly versatile but fully mechanical "large format" (LF) film cameras such as the ones shown below. These are not digital SLRs or point and shoot cameras. Here are some photos of the LF cameras:

LF Camera Images