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New Meetup: June 2010 Meetup - Muir Woods National Monument

From: Atul M.
Sent on: Saturday, June 12, 2010, 9:57 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for SF Bay Area Large Format Photography Group!

What: June 2010 Meetup - Muir Woods National Monument

When: Saturday, June 19,[masked]:00 AM

Where: Muir Woods National Monument

Based on the feedback, this month we will go to Muir Woods NM and leave Pinnacles NM for the July meetup.

Muir Woods National Monument:

We will meet at the park entrance at 8 AM.

See this thread for the latest updates:

This venue should be appealing to most members from the Bay Area and practically in the backyard for the North Bay LFers. I?m hoping to meet with new members on this field trip.

RSVP as soon as possible.

// Atul

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