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SFDUG - San Francisco Drupal Users group Monthly Meetup December 12th 6:30pm 160 Folsom Street

From: John F.
Sent on: Friday, December 9, 2011, 11:36 AM

Last meetup for 2011 and I think we have some great content setup for this event.
Since we have not had a meetup for the last two months we will have 2 presentations this month.

General Talk:  Occupy Drupal - Drupal for the 99%

Drupal has a long history as a grassroots civic action content management system, with much of its early development funded by non-profits and grassroots developers. With the big end of town now heavy users, we ask the question: How Do We Occupy Drupal, For the 99%.

In this presentation we will review the Occupy Movement's dynamic and short life and link this to the history of the Drupal community and suggest possible connections to this and other social movements (aka Tea Party, Cooperatives, Non-Profits etc). We will review a BOF from BadCamp 2011 & an upcoming Denver Drupal Con "Occupy Drupal" presentation 2011.
We will look at 3 Drupal tool-sets that can be used for providing premium products for everyday budgets.

BOA Aegir LEMP - open source hosting platform from, pre-loaded with a value-added dozen distros or "platforms" - available as a managed and hosted service, a self-hosted option or a VirtualBox image.
Drupal Quickstart - ready-made Drupal development environment - VirtualBox Ubuntu or scripted installation
Open Outreach - a Drupal distribution from nedjo for grassroots organizations or non-profits
As a part of this session, feedback will be documented from the session and a website will be built

About the presenter: Nicholas Roberts is an Australian student at a community college in Berkeley and Oakland, is married to an unemployed NASA climate scientist (PhD), and a stay-at-home dad. He recently joined Occupy Oakland and then left after arguing with the Black Bloc. At Occupy Berkeley he experienced police brutality. He started working with websites in 1998 and his first Drupal experience was at Szeged in Hungary in 2008. He lives precariously in Berkeley.

Tech Talk: Drupal for Facebook and Rock and Roll

Presenters:  Jon Luini and Dave Cohen

Jon Luini runs Chime Interactive / Dave Cohen is the creator of Drupal for Facebook.  Together Jon and Dave have done some really cool stuff together using the power of Rock and Roll and Facebook for Drupal.

For the tech session they will discuss how to do cool things with Drupal for Facebook and how to integrate that into a social media strategy for a large rock and roll site like

This is a great time to ask Dave Cohen questions about how the Drupal for Facebook project is rolling.

This will be a really fun set of presentations, I hope you can come on down for the last SFDUG of the year and enjoy a cold beverage with the local Drupal community.

I've updated this Meetup. For more details, see the full listing:

When: Monday, December 12,[masked]:30 PM

Where: SFDUG Headquarters
160 Folsom Street
San Francisco, CA 94105

This Meetup repeats on the 2nd Monday of every month.

If the changes affect your plans to attend, please take a moment to update your RSVP. (You can RSVP "No" or "Yes".)

You can always get in touch with me through my group profile on Meetup.