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[Special Event] LAUNCH Festival ticket drawing at 2pm TODAY.

From: user 1.
Sent on: Friday, February 15, 2013, 9:03 AM


The LAUNCH Festival ( has provided #SFRails with 25 free tickets to the event. We'll be raffling them off at 2pm today to those who have RSVP'd to the event on the meetup event page.

RSVP now for a chance at a FREE ticket. (Your odds so far are pretty good.)

[Special Event]

The 6th annual LAUNCH Festival is coming to San Francisco from March 4th - 6th.
It's an opportunity to be apart of the largest live audience in technology and watch the next Dropbox, Yammer or Mint launch on stage. Also an opportunity to learn about building great startups.

There are 2 opportunities to get a free pass:

  1. The producers have provided #SFRails with 25 FREE tickets. We will be raffling 20 tickets off on Fri, Feb 15th to people who RVSP to this page. The remaining 5 will be handed out at the SFRails meetup on Feb 21st.
  2. You can also apply for a FREE builder ticket at the LAUNCH Festival site (by Feb 15th):



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