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What we’re about

We organize a large singles party just about every week of the year, all over the Bay Area! We do dance parties, cocktail parties, wine tastings, speakers, holiday parties, and much more... Our larger parties, at major hotels, attract 400 or more. We also do more intimate gatherings of just a few dozen friendly singles. We are NOT a dating site.

All of our 55 parties a year all over the Bay Area benefit The Seva Foundation,, located in Berkeley CA, to restore sight to the blind. All of us who work at the parties are volunteers. Every $50 we raise allows Seva to finance a cataract surgery in one of the poor countries of the world! Please spread the word to all of your single friends so that together we can help 15 million people who need this operation to regain their sight.

DISCOUNTS for our larger parties are available on our main website,

Upcoming events (4+)

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