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Re: [filmind-340] Answer to Your Questions

From: Gini Graham S.
Sent on: Tuesday, January 17, 2012, 5:19 PM

Why are you still part of this group?


I have invited people to participate in the various shoots I have had, primarily as crew members -- these are cross posted with my other group the Bay Area Film and TV Connection.

How useful do you find the group?


I have had a few people from this group come to my film exchanges which I hold monthly and participate in my shoots.

Did you ever participate in the ad-lib shoots?

I produce all-volunteer shoots every 6 weeks or so.  I have found some people I plan to work with on paid gigs for clients.

Are you even interested in shooting with other members of this group?


I invite people who want to participate in my shoots as volunteer actors or crew members to contact me, though I get most actors through SF casting.

What would get you out and filming with other members of this group, whether it was in an ad-lib setting or something else?


If someone continues the group, I would like to continue to be an assistant organizer, but I can't take over the group since I already have 3 on this account and 3 on each of my other 2 accounts.






On Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 2:21 PM, Lee <[address removed]> wrote:

The fees I have to pay to Meet Up to run this group are due in 2 weeks. I am conflicted as to whether or not I want to pay them.

As a networking group, I find this Meet Up to be valuable. As you see, I and others occasionally post requests for help on various projects, and frankly the response is usually helpful. I'd hate to lose the members of this group as a resource.

On the other hand, when I took this group over, what I envisioned was a way to get people out and actually making short movies in a collaborative and casual setting. And while a few of those short movies were created, overall, the turnout for such events was pretty minimal, and after a few times I stopped setting up the ad-lib film shoots. Unfortunately no one else stepped up to take them over, nor has anyone set up any actual filming events even though I have a very liberal view on who may be a group organizer.

I would love to get some feed back -- good or bad -- regarding some of these things:

Why are you still part of this group?
How useful do you find the group?
Did you ever participate in the ad-lib shoots?
Are you even interested in shooting with other members of this group?
What would get you out and filming with other members of this group, whether it was in an ad-lib setting or something else?

If you're not interested in shooting films through this group, what other scenarios might this group be valuable to you?

I guess the group is at a crossroads, and with 500+ members, I hate to just throw it away. I am sure there are scenarios in which it still can be useful, but I need to hear back from some folks.

Thanks, and by all means, even if I didn't touch on some thoughts you have about the group, feel free to share anyways.

Lee Stokes

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