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Re: [web-115] Hi. My name is Lauren, and I love User Experience....

From: Suki
Sent on: Thursday, April 2, 2009, 4:17 PM
I'll try to bring screenshots of my latest UX challenge at work - a tool for exploring triangles for kids (easier said than done!)


On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 3:07 PM, Lauren <[address removed]> wrote:

This is a challenge going out to everyone who is a member of my South Florida User Experience Meetup. I started this meetup as a way to network, share ideas, and meet others in the field and a small group of us meet every month at Barnes and Noble in Hollywood.

So far so good, we have had some great discussions, solved some members design problems, learned a lot, seen some very cool sites, networked, and gotten a lot of great resources.... but....

There are still at least 30 of you in this meetup group I haven't yet had the pleasure to meet.

Therefore I challenge you to find time in your schedule, and come out to meet us at our next meeting on Wednesday April 15th at 7:00pm.

But wait... there's more!

If you make it out for the meetup, I have a second challenge for you...

I also challenge you to also bring a printed screen shot of a website you think is deserving of conversation and sharing. It could be something you designed, something you use daily, something that confuses or amuses you, or something that you just think is cool.

See you soon,

p.s. keep in mind, this is a small bookstore, and we sit in the coffee shop, so the more successful this challenge is the closer we'll all be.. literally;) We can move to a bigger venue next month if needed.

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