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SOLAR using MeetUp for money

From: Chuck S.
Sent on: Monday, June 14, 2010, 2:03 PM
Hi All,

Mary D and I are scheduled to meet tomorrow to discuss and experiment with how MeetUp handles money, how we can import data into Quickbooks, etc. To do this, we need some transactions. As of now, 1 person has signed up and paid for one of the events here. That is not enough for a meaningful test.

Please RSVP and pay for both events today. One event is set to use Amazon Payments, the other Paypal. It looks like Amazon will integrate much easier with Quickbooks, but until we try, we really don't know. (if you can't use Amazon, please sign up for the other event)

If we can make this work, it may really improve thigns for us. Much less paper processing, more accurate than manually entering everything, and members will be able to pay online.

