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New Meetup: Alameda Theater Model Shoot

From: Andy B.
Sent on: Saturday, July 31, 2010, 8:52 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Sac area Shutterbugs!

What: Alameda Theater Model Shoot

When: Saturday, August 28,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Alameda Theater
2317 Central Ave
Alameda, CA 94501

Seeing as how we'll be down in the Bay Area for most of the day, I'm scheduling one more meetup in that area. This one is located in Alameda, CA and will feature the Old Alameda Theater, which has recently been renovated and restored to nearly what it was like when it was built int he 20s. This will be an evening model shoot on the outside of the building to catch the fantastic lights this theater has.

We may also go to other spots in Alameda, time permitting. There are lots of very interesting places to shoot there, and depending on how many models would like to be photographed, I will change the total number of spots available (but I do like to keep my ratio 4:1 on these shoots).

PLEASE - if you have RSVP'd yes to the model shoot in Golden Gate Park, consider allowing other photographers to RSVP yes to this one so that everyone gets a chance to shoot. Both will be fun times.

We'll plan to meet right in front of the theater at 7, for a model brief, test shots, and setup, in order to catch blue hour.

RSVP to this Meetup: