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New Meetup: Salsa on Alki w/ Salsa performance open to all levels

From: Jim
Sent on: Tuesday, May 18, 2010, 3:17 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Salsa on Alki Beach!

What: Salsa on Alki w/ Salsa performance open to all levels

When: Saturday, August 14,[masked]:00 PM

Alki Beach Park cross Alki Cafe
2726 Alki Ave SW
Seattle, WA 98116

Our 2nd event of the year and we only doing 3 of these this year, let's hope the weather is awesome! Beginning Salsa lesson at 6pm followed by great Salsa and Bachata and a little merangue.

We are opening the floor to all levels of salsa dancers. This is a great opportunity for any of you who have been practicing, regardless of your level and just want to strut your stuff under the setting sun in front of fellow Salseras y Salseros or spectators.

-- General Info--

This year, in order to continue hosting these great events, we like to ask that everyone please donnate..
-$5 towards purchasing wristband to dance perhaps even a better dance floor then card boards. At each event we will have various raffles, performances.
Volunteers are welcome and we will gladly compensate you for your help. We need help with set up, take down and running the event (you can volunteer and dance at the same event!). Thanks for your understanding and support--see you at the beach!

The events will be canceled in the event of rain, we will make this decision and post it on Meetup and our website by noon on event day.

-This event is hosted and sponsor by
Belltown Dance Studio
Century Ballroom


Salsa group classes 5wks sereis starts May 23rd, 24th & June, 1st. Register early for your discount:

Learn more here: