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Witching Herbs Series (Part 1) moved and Prop 19 Party planned

From: Hugh
Sent on: Monday, October 4, 2010, 11:01 PM
Dear Friends,

I am going on retreat this week and I need some extra time for being out of town. Please be understanding about the Witching Herbs Class as it has now been moved to Oct 14th and 21st (next thursday and the following week). I hope to see you over the weekend for a FRAME DRUM CIRCLE...(bring your shaman's drum)!

We are planning a PROP 19 awareness party to raise awareness for the changing laws around WEED/Cannabis and you are invited!

Please suggest some days that you are available for our "Legalize Pot Party" and we will choose the date with the most interest (Oct. 20th-November 2nd...if people love it we will do two parties!)

The Witching Herbs Series (Part 1)


T. R. Hughes

You can always get in touch with me through the "Contact Organizer" link on Meetup: