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Final Head Count for Da Bus Tailgate Filming

From: Lee
Sent on: Tuesday, November 16, 2010, 12:59 PM
Hi all!
It's been a busy week! We need to rent a Van or mini-bus for the ride out to Candlestick to be part of the Filming for Tailgate Warriors, and we need a final head count. Some of you expressed interest in driving your own vehicles, hopefully you contacted Kerry at the Foodnetwork and were issued your parking passes. If not, you can still catch a ride with us! Everyone will need to sign a release so that the Foodnetwork can use your image. I have plenty of releases but they need to be mailed back no later than Thursday. Please email me back ASAP, any replies after Wednesday will be given a space if available. I can scan the release, and email it to you, or you can come to Dirty Trix Saloon and fill it out and leave it there for me to pick it up.
We will supply the beer, but if you want something else please bring it with you. We have friends who will be grilling at the filming, and we are bringing simple hamburgers, etc. Once again if you want something else please bring it with you. Please bear in mind there is a fifty-fifty chance of rain on Sunday, so if you plan to cancel because of rain, don't RSVP !!

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