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Re: [San-Francisco-Homebrewers-Guild] Please Sign Homebrew Petition at

From: user 1.
Sent on: Wednesday, June 5, 2013, 9:31 AM
Very well said! Our voice must be heard on this issue.
          Michael Kelly Vice-President, Sonoma Beerocrats

From: Kevin Inglin <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Wednesday, June 5,[masked]:17 AM
Subject: Re: [San-Francisco-Homebrewers-Guild] Please Sign Homebrew Petition at


Do I see it as a problem for you to take homebrew to your buddy's house? No - highly doubt anyone is going to get caught doing this or that the ABC would care to track down offenders.

Do I see it as a problem for our club to be able to have share events in public spaces (e.g., Pi Bar) and for us to be able to participate in festivals, picnics and such as a large group? Absolutely - being in public is what is bringing scrutiny from the ABC. We need to act to have the interpretation of the law protect our ability to gather and share.


On Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 8:38 AM, Matthew Heberger <[address removed]> wrote:
Is this really a problem? It's also illegal to smoke marijuana, but I see people toking on the street every day.

From: Kevin Inglin <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Tuesday, June 4,[masked]:33 PM
Subject: [San-Francisco-Homebrewers-Guild] Please Sign Homebrew Petition at

Hey Brewers,
Apologies to those of you who may get this twice (or more) ... but this is important.
The California ABC is cracking down on their interpretation of the law as it pertains to removing homebrew from your home. Namely, they are saying YOU CAN'T DO IT, even to take it to your friend's house or our events to share, and that you're only allowed to take it outside your home to enter into a competition.
I believe, as I'm sure you all do, that we brew the beer, so we should have the right to give it away and share it with whomever we wish.
Please take a couple of minutes to sign the online petition at (link below) and spread the word via Facebook, etc. to make sure Sacramento hears our voice.
Yours in brewing,

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Kevin Inglin
Vice President
San Francisco Homebrewers Guild
Also find us on Meetup at

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