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handout for Class 1 for those who didn't get a copy

From: Beth Proudfoot, M.
Sent on: Monday, January 13, 2014, 12:30 PM


Steps for Successful Goal Setting

Dream BIG.

Make it measurable.

Set a time frame.

Break it down.

BELIEVE you can do it!

Thich Nhat Hahn breathing meditation:

Breathing in, I calm my body.

Breathing out, I smile.

Dwelling in the present moment,

I know this is a wonderful moment.


Time Management for Children:

Einstein Never Used Flash Cards, Hirsh-Pasek and Golinkoff

The Hurried Child, David Elkind


To Help with Organization and Delegation:

A Housekeeper is Cheaper Than a Divorce, Kathy Fitzgerald Sherman

National Association of Professional Organizers (free, color-coded calendar for family members)


Mindful Parenting:

My Monastery is a Minivan, and Momfulness, Denise Roy

Parenting from the Inside Out, Siegel and Hartzell

Scream-Free Parenting: Raising Your Kids By Keeping Your Cool, Hal Edward Runkel

Gift from the Sea, Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Happiness, Matthieu Ricard (classes in yoga breathing, sahaj samadi meditation)

Heartmath (effective biofeedback using an app on iPhone)

MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction class at many local hospitals)


Self-regulation for Children:

A Still, Quiet Place, CD, Amy Saltzman, MD

Ready, Set, Release, CC, Roger J Klein, Psy.d.,

Adventures in Peacemaking: A Conflict Resolution Activity Guide for Early Childhood Educators, William J. Kreidler and Sandy Tsubokawa Whittall.


Brain Science:

The Biology of Belief, Bruce H. Lipton

Molecules of Emotion, Candace Pert


Qualities of leaders you dislike:





Qualities of leaders you love:






Qualities of friends and family members you love:
























Clearing the underbrush.

I can find a better home for these objects:



I would prefer to let these activities go, so that I can do something more important, including rest:



These are the chores I could delegate and to whom: