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What we’re about

The San Mateo Business Masters group is first and foremost a free entrepreneur networking group for solo-preneurs and owner-operated businesses of all sizes. Whether you are a business veteran or a new entrepreneur, our networking events provide for a safe and secure environment to all. In fact, the diversity in members brings added benefits to us all.

We meet once a week for a breakfast mixer and to discuss and learn about local business and entrepreneurship issues. The meetings start promptly with the mixer portion (networking) of the event. Then, while we eat breakfast we invite the speaker of the week to enlighten us about different aspect of business management. Each week the topics and the speakers are different. Then after the meeting, members who desire can stick around or set appointments to get to know each other better.Members of the group with relevant topics will be invited to speak in front of the group and share their expertise if they desire to.

In this challenging economy it is important to have a group of peers and business associates to count on. Yet, most networking groups, like BNI's and BRN's are nothing more than a place to pass business cards around.

Business Masters is different. We understand that solid and long term business relationships are not forged by handing business cards to strangers, but rather by connecting with people and making friends. Like a member previously stated: "Nobody cares to do business with business cards, but we all care about people!"

Unlike many other networking groups that charge you hundreds or even thousands of dollars each year, Business Masters is 100% no charge. Obviously you have to buy your own food, but that's it. We know that by not charging a membership fee more people are inclined to attend. The more people who attend the more relationship bonds are created. That's how economies are created!

We are all looking forward to meeting you at next week's event.