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Old People's Google: The Encyclopedia Project - Exhibit and Artist Talk

From: Tish
Sent on: Thursday, May 16, 2013, 8:43 PM

Join us, would love to see you!


Old People's Google: The Encyclopedia Project

Exhibit and Artist Talk

3rd Saturday, May 18th

4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

FREE Event!Spread the word!


Antiquated encyclopedias were distributed to thirty artists.  The only prompt given was “Create something out of it or with it: altered books, sculptures, collage, use the pages, use the cover, cut it up, mulch it, paint it, write in it, photo it, do SOMETHING CREATIVE with it! Make some-thing fabulous or un-fabulous but meaningful out of a book!”

COME HEAR from the artists: what inspired their project, what lights their creative fire, what keeps them going and more!

COME SEE how these books have been repurposed into art. Guaranteed to be a very informative show,  full of memories for those of us who have used the encyclopedia.Opportunity for you to make art, too!


Expressive Arts @ 32nd and Thorn

3201 Thorn Street, San Diego, CA 92104



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