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New Meetup: Pick grapefruit with Backyard Bounty on Veteran's Day

From: Gerri F.
Sent on: Thursday, October 28, 2010, 9:07 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Santa Barbara Food and Farm Adventures!

What: Pick grapefruit with Backyard Bounty on Veteran's Day

When: Thursday, November 11,[masked]:00 till 12:00. Enjoy lunch together afterwards...bring your own.

The location of the harvest on the 11th will be at Ln in the San Roque foothills. It is at the end of a small private lane on the mountain side of Foothill between Morada Ln and Northridge Rd. Look for the Backyard Bounty sign at the entrance and drive up the road and park in the big circle before walking up the hilly part of the driveway to the left.

Mapquest link:

We will be harvesting the best tasting pink grapefruit from trees that have so far given us about 30,000 lbs of fruit.

Please wear close toes shoes, long sleeves and bring water/hat/glasses and gloves if desired.

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