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Kill Idaho's "Ag-Gag Bill" Sign the petition

From: Alan F.
Sent on: Wednesday, February 26, 2014, 8:50 PM
PETA Action Alert pigs in factory farm

Ask Gov. Otter to veto Senate Bill 1337!

Take Action

Dear Alan,

Idaho's "ag-gag" bill has made its way through the legislature and is now on Gov. Butch Otter's desk. If signed into law, the measure could stop vital undercover work that exposes routine, often violent, and illegal abuse of animals in the factory-farming industry. It would criminalize the recording of audio or video footage of abuse on a factory farm without the owner's consent—evidence that, in the past, has led to criminal charges and convictions against workers around the country who were caught spraypainting animals in the face, beating them with metal rods, stomping on them, and much more.

Because of concerned citizens like you, similar bills have died in more than a dozen states, including Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Nebraska, New York, and Tennessee. Even though you don't live in Idaho, we still need your help. The meat from slaughtered animals crosses state lines, and the government needs to hear from consumers across the country who care about the way that animals killed for food are treated. Please urge Gov. Otter to veto Senate Bill 1337!

Thank you for all that you do for animals!

Dan Mathews
Senior Vice President

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