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New Meetup: Wayne-ing Brass: The Music of Wayne Shorter

From: Yogi M.
Sent on: Tuesday, July 20, 2010, 11:31 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Seattle Jazz Scene Meetup!

What: Wayne-ing Brass: The Music of Wayne Shorter

When: Saturday, July 24,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Tula's
2214 Second Avenue
Seattle, WA 98121

Wayne-ing Brass: The Music of Wayne Shorter for Brass and Rhythm

Debuting at Tula's, this re-imagining of Wayne Shorter's music for brass trio and rhythm section is sure to be a unique night of music. Don't miss it!

Thomas Marriott (tpt), Tom Varner (horn), David Marriott, Jr. (tbn), Bill Anschell (pno), Phil Sparks (bass), Matt Jorgensen (drums)

$15 Cover. Reservations recommended. Call Tula?s at (206)[masked]
Note: This is NOT a meetup charge, don't pay me, pay the cover at the venue.

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