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3 day Spencer Spit and Turn Island

Photo of Audra
Hosted By
Audra .


Friday launch from Anacortes Washington Park boat launch 11.7 nm to Spencer Spit

Friday camp Spencer Spit on Lopez island

Saturday kayak to Turn island 10 nm

Saturday camp Turn Island

Sunday kayak to Friday Harbor WHEEL on at 11: AM or 1:55 PM ferry back to Anacortes

Equipment Requirements: WHEELS, Kayak, paddle, pfd, paddlefloat, pump, sprayskirt, warm hat and waterproof hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, water and snacks, VHF radio, GPS, immersion gear, kayak boots, boat light. Camping gear, food and personal drinking water for weekend. Water on Lopez. Turn island not sure if there is potable water.

Immersion Gear: Wearing immersion gear (a wetsuit or a dry-suit over insulating clothing) is required on this paddle.

Conditions and Contingency: This paddle is contingent upon wind and weather conditions that are acceptable for this paddle. If conditions are too rough for this paddle but acceptable for a more protected paddle, we may do a more protected paddle route.

Waiver and Indemnification: This is not a guided paddle nor a kayaking-skills lesson. In signing up for this paddle, each sign-up-ee certifies that he/she has the required kayaking skills and experience described in the "Sign-up Requirements". Kayaking activities have inherent risk and each sign-up-ee acknowledges that kayaking activities have risk of injury or even death, and signs up and participates entirely and exclusively at his/her own risk.

IMPORTANT - If you have not filled out your profile information in the Sea Kayak Meetup information please do so. Failure to have a completely filled out profile will cause you to be dropped from the paddle.

AND AS USUAL - All my paddles are one strike you're out... I will monitor the site up to 5 hours before we launch for cancellations. (for this paddle the cut off will be Wednesday before the paddle unless an emergency happens) But if we launch and I haven't heard from you that is a no show and you will no longer be welcome on my trips. Please don't sign up unless you really think you can attend. It isn't fair for the other paddlers. As usual, I will manage the trip numbers based on extra organizers and the paddle experience of the people who sign up.

Group Meals: Restrictions: Gluten Free (wheat free), any others?

Breakfast, Lunch, Caffeine on your own

DINNERs are going to be so good!

Friday dinner: fish & beef tacos

Audra: fish, corn tortillas

Sue: GF rice crackers & cheese, dessert (chocolate)

ilana: beef, salsa, taco seasoning, cabbage, onion

Saturday dinner: garden stew Audra, bring your fav veggie

Salad: ilana

GF rice crackers & cheese/dessert: Sue


Audra, Sue, ilana

Photo of Seattle Sea Kayaking Meetup group
Seattle Sea Kayaking Meetup
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Washington Park Boat Ramp
Washington Park Loop · Anacortes, WA