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Theme suggestion for the 28th!

From: Leilah.
Sent on: Sunday, June 23, 2013, 5:56 PM

For challenge on the 28th we are going to vote on a theme.

Please post your idea for a Seattle Flickr Friday theme below on the thread. On Tuesday evening I will compile the list and send out a Meetup poll where you can vote for one of the options. The poll will close on Thursday night.

<b>Post here:</b>

Please post only one suggestion. Make it something that is available to all in some why, shape, or form. Feel free to provide a definition of the word or topic you suggest to to make it clear to others if it happens not to be a straight forward word or subject. If you suggest "red" I assume that means anything that is "red" -- no definition needed.

Please do not contribute themes that have already been posted for past weeks.

OK. Lets get this going!

Cheers - Leilah.

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