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Delivering Happiness

From: Rob
Sent on: Tuesday, June 29, 2010, 11:20 PM
Meetup Members:

It has been an exciting few weeks for the Delivering Happiness Movement. After its launch on June 7, Zappos CEO, Tony Hsieh's first book, Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion and Purpose reached #1 on the Wall Street Journal, New York Times and USA Today's Bestseller Lists and has spent two consecutive weeks at #1 on the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal lists. The entire Delivering Happiness team would like to thank you for your support and for joining them on this exciting journey.

Now that you may have read Tony's secrets to symbiotic happiness and success, now what? How do you take all your post-book positivity and put it into action? Join the Delivering Happiness Movement to continue your journey to bettering your own life and spreading happiness to others. Get connected with others who have read the book, get inspired by others' stories about making a difference, share your own story and spread the Delivering Happiness Movement to all ends of the earth. For more information or to Join the Delivering Happiness Movement, visit:

Now is a great time to discuss the positive changes Delivering Happiness enacted in your life with your Meetup Group. How are you using Tony's tenets to benefit yourself and others? What's the greatest lesson you took from the book? Share, listen and brainstorm with your Meetup on ways to make the lessons of Delivering Happiness a reality in your own lives. To help spark your Group's discussion, visit for articles and studies on happiness.

The Delivering Happiness celebration isn't over yet. Tony Hsieh and the Delivering Happiness team will be hitting the road in July for a two-month, 16 city, Happy Bus Book Tour to promote the book and find people's sources of happiness, and hopefully spark some happiness of their own. The Happy Bus may be making a stop in your city, so stay tuned for updates and information on the tour by visiting:



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