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Call out for writing - Sat. 2/21 meeting

From: Jane
Sent on: Wednesday, February 11, 2015, 1:56 PM

Hi everyone! Nobody has posted anything yet for the Saturday, February 21st meeting.

So, if you are interested in being critiqued for that meeting, please post your work ASAP in the files section (under the "More" tab on the right-hand side of the group’s main web page). There is one open slot available.

Each submission should be in Word or text format (10 pages or less). A note should be made if any material could be potentially objectionable (i.e. graphic language, violence, sexual content, etc.) to readers. Also, please include a note stating that it’s for review for the 2/21 meeting.

Please make files accessible to group members only. Let us know if you want any specific feedback from your writing. Please make sure to include this note in the body of your writing (just in case folks click directly on the link in the meetings section, rather than the files section).

Once you post your work, I will add your name to the meeting line-up. Meeting assignments will be made on a first-come/first-served basis. If there is more than one posting, I will assign the most-recently posted ones to the next available meeting.

Thanks! Have a good day!

Peace always,