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Happy Christmas!

From: Larry D H.
Sent on: Monday, December 24, 2012, 2:07 PM


Happy Christmas! (as my friend Alastair would say) 


I want to wish all of you who celebrate Christmas a wonderful day tomorrow.  Well, even if you don't I wish you a wonderful day :) I also want to thank, from the top and bottom of my heart, all of you who donated funds to the two families and their children I told you about. Those kids will have the biggest smiles on their face in the morning because of you.  You are the Santa in their lives this year...

I know some of you gave more than the 5.00 I asked for. I noticed the more someone gave the less they wanted recognition for it.  A very good man gave me a handful of cash Friday night , I barely had time to thank him before he was lost in the crowd.  These people are Givers, they give without recognition because it keeps it special.  Another woman gave me 40.00 dollars and insisted I tell no one who she was.  I am very proud to have briefly met these people and grateful they are a part of the group. 

Maybe next year we can pick some families as a group to help out.


2012 is almost over..some great events and a lot of dancing happened this year....It was such a blast, I sure hope to see all of you back in 2013 with your tailfeathers on, well plumed and ready to shake :)

Larry Head


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