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From: Gerry W.
Sent on: Saturday, January 3, 2009, 4:44 PM

Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Mars Society's MDRS - Mars Desert Research
Station continues its 8th Field Season in the Utah
Desert near Capitol Reef National Park with the arrival
of another NASA Spaceward Bound student Crew #74
for a one week rotation.


TMS-SD members will be providing Mission Support
again this season.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

The San Diego Sci-Fi Double Feature film group will
screen two films about time traveling: THE TIME
TRAVELERS" (1964) and TIME AFTER TIME" (1979).


"THE TIME TRAVELERS": A time travel experiment
that was supposed to produce a window into time turns
out to be a portal instead. One of the experimenters
steps through into a not-too-distant-futu­re world that
has been destroyed by nuclear war. Some of the others
follow, but then the portal phases out and they can't
get back.

"TIME AFTER TIME": H.G. Wells has just invented a
time machine but hasn't tried it out yet. When he
discovers that one of his friends is actually Jack the
Ripper, Jack makes his escape using the time machine.
Herbert follows Jack into the late 1970's where he
meets Amy, a bank clerk, who teaches Herbert about
life in 70's while they pursue Jack, who is enjoying the
more violent society in which he continues his murderous

Showtime is at 3:00pm for "THE TIME TRAVELERS"
and 5:00pm for "TIME AFTER TIME at Studio 106 in
the Art Union Building at 2323 Broadway, San Diego
92102 -- please RSVP to FILMIST<at>MAC­.COM as
seating is limited. We'll provide the popcorn -- you can
bring drinks or snacks to share.

No TMS-SD participation is planned for this event.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The San Diego Astronomy Association (SDAA) will
host their "STARS IN THE PARK" public telescope
viewing event outside the Reuben H. Fleet Science
Center in Balboa Park. The setup is at 6:30pm, and
the event runs from dark past 9:00pm (weather permitting).


It coincides with "THE SKY TONIGHT" Planetarium show
in the Reuben H. Fleet Science Center.


TMS-SD members will be there for public outreach
activities from 6:30pm to 9:30pm, with our interactive
display table and the San Diego Mars Rover and our
Mars Sojourner Rover replicas.


Friday, January 9, 2009

The GENERAL MEETING of TMS-SD will NOT be held
this month. The next scheduled meeting will be in March.


Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Mars Society's MDRS - Mars Desert Research
Station continues its 8th Field Season in the Utah Desert
near Capitol Reef National Park with the arrival of Crew
#75 from Toronto, Canada for a two week rotation.


For more information regarding The Mars Society - San
Diego, please visit our website at:


And if you're interested in keeping up with all the
latest Mars news as well as reports on human and space
flight progress, please subscribe to TMS-SD's News and
Message Board at:
