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New Meetup: Introduction to CSS: Learn to modify the CSS of your theme

From: Natalie M.
Sent on: Wednesday, June 16, 2010, 8:11 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Southern California WordPress Meetup Group!

What: Introduction to CSS: Learn to modify the CSS of your theme presented by Natalie MacLees

When: Tuesday, June 22,[masked]:00 PM

Price: $5.00 per person

Los Angeles Meeting & Event Center
10601 W. Washington Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90232

It seems simple enough - install WordPress, install a theme and you're good to go - instant web site. But don't really like the color of that box over there and the text size of the headings is way too big - and you'd really like them to be blue. How do you fix it?

So few themes offer easy-to-use theme options and even themes like Thesis only give you limited options for many parts of the theme - to truly customize your theme, you've got to dig into CSS ... Ack! It's code! It's scary! And intimidating!

In this workshop, I'll teach you the basics of CSS, how to modify your theme's CSS, and how to figure out which lines of CSS need to be updated. I'll show you which things can be updated safely without breaking your theme, and which things require the attention of an expert to make sure they still work in all browsers.

By the end of the evening, you should be able to make simple theme customizations with confidence.

We'll also be giving away two copies of WordPress Theme Design from Packt Publishing.

Please note that there are intermittent issues with the wifi at this venue, so come prepared. Please have Firefox installed, with the Web Developer Toolbar and Firebug add-ons before you arrive. If you need help with this, please email me at [address removed]. I'll bring sample files on USB drives for you to practice on if you can't get online.

Please also have a simple text editor installed - I recommend Notepad++ for Windows users and TextWrangler for Mac users - both are free.

If you previously paid for the CSS workshop that was postponed and have a credit to be applied, please drop me a line and let me know when you RSVP. If you are paying cash the evening of the event, exact change is MUCH appreciated.

I know that we all have emergencies and last minute issues, but please honor your RSVP and let me know if you have reserved a seat for yourself and cannot make it.

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