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August WordPress Meetup Updates

From: Natalie M.
Sent on: Saturday, August 22, 2009, 11:17 AM
===== First, a bit off topic - my SXSW panels =====

In case you haven't heard of it, SXSW (South by Southwest) is a large interactive conference that happens in Austin, Texas each March. I attend every year.

For the 2010 conference, I'd like to do a presentation. Both one of my Purple Pen partners and I have submitted panel ideas to the committee.

If you like my WordPress presentations, would you please take a moment to vote for us? You do have to create an account, but it's quick and easy and you won't be spammed. You can vote at SXSW Panel Picker

I appreciate it.

===== August Meeup =====

A big thank you to those of you who turned out for our August Q&A. There was plenty of valuable WordPress information shared and plenty of business cards exchanged.

I hope more of you can join us next time!

===== WordCamp Los Angeles =====

WordCamp Los Angeles will be happening at Loyola Marymount University on September 12. If you haven't already, be sure to register.

More info at

===== Help! I need a web site =====

My company, Purple Pen Productions, will be hosting a free workshop titled "Help! I need a web site!" on September 10th. If you are in need of a web site to promote yourself or your business then you'll learn everything you need to know about deciding what type of web site will work best for you, how to promote it, whether or not you can or should do it yourself, how to find someone to hire, and how much you can expect to pay, and more.

To reserve your spot, please visit Upcoming

===== September WordPress Meetup =====

Our September meetup will be a joint venture with the Web Apps 101 Meetup Group, where I will be presenting a workshop on creating your own custom themes. This workshop will be challenging for those of you with little or no html/css/javascript knowledge, but please don't feel like you can't come. You'll probably at least pick up a few tips on making some minor tweaks to your theme. If you are knowledgeable about html/css/javascript, then you'll learn everything you need to know to get started on creating your own custom theme or creating a new theme to release to the community.

Unfortunately, the company that was going to host our meetup has decided to close their Los Angeles office, so we are currently without a venue. I'm looking for a wifi-enabled conference or meeting space for 20-30 people. If anyone has any leads, I'd appreciate hearing about it.

===== Thank you and see you soon! =====

Well, I guess that's about it for now. If there are any topics you'd like covered or any venues you'd like to suggest, please let me know.

Also, don't forget that Meetup provides us with a message board for our members. Don't be shy about posting your questions up there - there's surely someone in the group who can help you along.


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