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The Silent Red Nosed Flash Mob Dance!


Come join me in some fun but also spread the message about depression awareness. We will wear our headphones and dance to the Cupid Shuffle. Please have a clown nose. I will also have some that you can buy from me. The clown nose will be the Robin "Patch," Williams. We will all dance to the Cupid Shuffle. The beauty of this song is that people wil recognize the dance and can join in with all of us. Please pass this onto friends and family. We will do this on the Cambridge Common (green) next to the children's park. This will be fun however please consider your RSVP a commitment as number of people is important. We will do two rounds of the song a total of 8 minutes. You quietly enter common and we will start off with the dancing and then once the song is over you just walk away like nothing happened. Any ?'s please contact me.

Photo of Social Fun group
Social Fun
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Cambridge Common
Cambridge,MA · Boston, MA