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Volunteer photographer opportunity for California Children's Services Celebration

From: Remy G.
Sent on: Wednesday, December 4, 2013, 3:20 PM
  • Hello SoCoPhoGro photogs

    Every year we get requests from organizations, agencies and private companies who ask for volunteer photographers to show up and help for a specific event they are holding.  We have planned meet ups around a few of them (Tour De Fuzz our most recent) but haven't really 'advertised' to the group for smaller more intimate opportunities.

    I thought I bring one to the group to see if there is any interest.

    The CCS (California Children's Services) Department is holding their annual party on December 14th from 3 - 6pm at Meadow View School here in Santa Rosa.  They are in need of a few photographers who would be willing to give their time to take photos of their 'clients' (kids and their families) - various random shots, and spontaneous groupings of people.  Very casual.

    Snoopy will be making an appearance at the party and will also pose with the kids.  They are anticipating up to 500+ people at the party during this 3 hour window.

    They have one photographer already - and they are looking for 1-2 more.

    If you want experience and practice in this kind of photography, and you want to work on your own skills in a low pressure, fun and festive environment, call me or text me ASAP and I will put you in touch with the coordinator.  She says "thank you so much" in advance for your help!





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