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A few notes about the future.

From: Paul
Sent on: Thursday, June 4, 2015, 12:27 PM

Hey all!


For those of you who have wondered, "Whatever happened to the monthly meetings?" Stay tuned. I probably won't know anything about day and time until much later this month and it will only happen if the El Toro library has meeting space available.


Starting with our DSLR video meetup in a couple weeks, I have a couple requests, one of which might resemble a rule.

First, there is no need to RSVP "No" unless you previously said "Yes" and had to change your plans. If you're not going to be there, no RSVP is exactly the same as a "No" RSVP.

Second, and this is the one that resembles an actual rule, please don't RSVP "Yes" unless you really mean to be there, especially if there is only limited space and a waiting list. "Yes" does not mean "Maybe." If you RSVP "Yes" and can't make it, please take the time to change your RSVP to "No."

If a member makes a habit of repeatedly not showing up for events, the organizer will first issue a polite reminder then, if the not showing up continues, will remove the member from the group.

Enforcing this "request" is entirely at the discretion of the event organizer. I don't expect the assistant organizers to "take roll call" at their events.

This doesn't apply to the general meetings, the monthly challenges, or to "show up and shoot" events like the upcoming Irish Fair.

I don't really want to do things this way, but in the past, we've had events where there were twenty spaces, ten people on a waiting list and only eight people showed up. That's not fair to the people on the waiting list and makes a joke of the whole idea of RSVPing to an event.


You might have noticed we've changed our name a bit. Just a small "rebranding" to reflect the revival of the group's activity going forward.

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