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New Meetup: California Knappers Monthly Get-Together Flintknapping Session

From: nancy
Sent on: Saturday, November 20, 2010, 4:57 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Southbay Permaculture!

What: California Knappers Monthly Get-Together Flintknapping Session

When: Sunday, December 5,[masked]:00 AM

Where: Karl Nordvik Park
5850 Commerce Dr.
Fremont, CA 94555

Hello Fellow Flintknappers and Those Who are Interested in the Art of Knapping,

If you are interested in flaking obsidian, flint, chert or any glass-like stone, come and join other flintknappers in a knapping get-together on December 5, 2010 (Sunday). Work on your lithic project while meeting fellow flintknappers. Join us at the monthly California Knappers get-together knapping session. Everyone is welcome . . . . from beginners, to advanced knappers, to the curious. There is no fee to attend. It is open to the public.

Access the webpage below for more information on the December California Knappers get-together in Fremont:

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