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The Spirit of Adventure on Facebook

From: David E.
Sent on: Tuesday, May 26, 2015, 1:39 PM

Many of you are not on the Spirit of Adventure Facebook page.  It's a great place to read and write about our trips and connect with friends after trips.  In a sense, it's our club's electronic newsletter.  If you are in SoA, we hope you will join us on the Facebook page too.

As it's a closed group, you might have to send me a friend request to be added.  You can find me on Facebook using my email address:  [address removed]

It would also be helpful if members would send me their cell number and email address.  On trips, sometimes people get lost and we can get in touch with you that way, or sometimes there is a last minute change that needs to be communicated.  In addition, sometimes we have a last minute opening on a raft trip or some other well attended event and we let members know of these openings.

You could send me your contact information through Facebook, my email or the SoA message system.

David Engel

Organizer, SoA


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