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Amre as the organizer and my new meetup group

From: Vivian
Sent on: Sunday, October 30, 2011, 10:07 PM

Greetings Everyone!

I am writing to inform you some changes we are making for our group. I have good news to share:
1) We now have a new organizer.
2) I have started a new meetup group that you are all invited to check it out and welcome to join.

Recently, there has been a need for a more focused approach in studying Dr. Hawkins' teaching and materials. So we want to do the meetings more as a Hawkins' study group. Meanwhile, other members who value our current meeting format of broader sharing and experiential learning approach wish to continue with what we've formed so far. I personally would like to further the development of this experiential group learning process we've utilized for last two and half years. So we've decided  to do both and with two groups.

Amre Elsaved has agreed to step in and serve as the organizer for the Hawkins' study group with my support. He will email you soon to introduce himself and give your more information on the group.

I have started a Spiritual-Self-Development Group Session meetup. I have already scheduled the first meeting. Here is the link, please check it out and join us: 

I hope these changes will better serve you and your spiritual work. I hope to see you in one or both of our groups.