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What we’re about

Come tap into your creativity--whether you're an artist, writer, musician, business person, or anywhere in between! We find Julia Cameron's 12-week course helps unlock the flow of ideas and energy to transform our lives. We work from and explore some of the exercises found in The Artist's Way Workbook by Julia Cameron and other sources, and continue to develop as creative people together.

We explore all the arts, perhaps most frequently writing and the visual arts, but we have film-makers, dancers, and a little bit of everything! And we're always eager to have others join us.

Please note that we ask for a photo if you wish to join us. This gives us a chance (our only chance, sometimes!) to know who is coming to  our events. Therefore, please have a photo in your profile or, if you have a special need not to be seen, just drop one of the organizers a note to that effect. If you don't do one of those things, your membership request will not be considered.