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Heads Up. August Workshop Almost Full!

From: Steven C.
Sent on: Wednesday, May 2, 2012, 9:04 AM

Sorry for sending another email on such a short time interval, but I wanted ya'll to know that as of yesterday evening the

Ancient Bristlecone Pine Workshop only has 3 spaces left.

I also wanted to let you know of two new webinars in the making and encourage you to join the interest list(s) - if you're interested, of course!


Finally, I really dropped the ball in reminding you that this Saturday at 8:38 PM the full moon will be the largest (and brightest) that it will be for the rest of your lifetime.  Use your telephoto lens and snap a shot for posterity. This is not an organized event.  Don't expect it to look 5 times as big or 10 times as bright... the increase is quite modest, but capture it now and I'll let you know when a "tiny" full moon occurs and you can compare shots.  These settings should work: f/9, ISO 200, 1/100 to 1/200th of a second.  Or stop down less and shoot faster.



Bristlecone Pine Workshop Info

Registration is THROUGH POINT REYES.

Famous II [C_035478]The three night workshop commences Friday, August 17, 2012 and ends Monday, August 20th.

The workshop includes lodging (dorm style), 3 GREAT meals a day, instruction and on-site photography in one of the most interesting places in the world. The Ancient Bristlecone Pine trees - the oldest known living organisms on the earth are gnarled and bent by the fierce winter conditions and the slow growth of a short season.


Our home base will be the Crooked Creek Research station a mere 3 miles from Patriarch Grove of trees and just a few air miles from Bishop California (though it's a one hour drive!)

Last year's participants:




Click below for more information.