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New Meetup: St. Black Professionals Networking Event

From: Glenn
Sent on: Monday, February 15, 2010, 11:28 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Saint Louis Black Professionals Meetup!

What: St. Black Professionals Networking Event

When: Thursday, February 18,[masked]:00 PM

Janae's West
7555 Olive St
Saint Louis, MO 63130

Hello World!

Please join us at the Janae's West for a musical Open Mic Night on Thursday. Can you sing? Play some keyboards? Do you have an instrument you'd like to bring along and play? Or just come, listen, laugh and fellowship. This will be an informal gathering with the potential for being very entertaining. I am not sure if we will be able to solve all of our communities problems at this one, but it will definitely be a start.

We call this an Open Mic Night/Jam Session... If you have some karaoke tracks that you carry around to sing to, bring 'em; we'll put those on too! "It's like Karaoke, but on Steroids."

I must admit that trying to get this Meetup started again has beat me into submission. The last event that we tried to have was November, there was a lot more notice than this one and hardly anybody showed up. But in October I vowed not to get discouraged (I kind a broke my vow over the last 3 months) :) But here I am on the task again, and looking for support.

Remember the purpose of this group is not only to get together to network, but to see if at some point we can identify, discuss and possibly even make a positive difference in some of the challenges that our business community faces. But for now we can just settle for getting together.

I hope to see you there.

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