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Nightowls, we're back and here are the dates for the spring!

From: Johan H.
Sent on: Tuesday, February 28, 2012, 7:34 PM


Time to get back to work!

The great guys at The Hub Stockholm have agreed to let us back on the premises and the dates for the spring are as follows:

- March 6
- March 27
- April 24
- May 22

Registration for the next event will open tomorrow afternoon.

Last meetup of 2011 there were a lot of no-shows and if the problem continues we'll have to re-think our method of RSVP. If you can't come please remove yourself from the list at least 24 hours before the event. Not only are you reserving a seat that could be used by someone else, we end up doing the same amount of work for less attendees. So thank you all for from now on respecting that we have limited amount of seats.

Also, don't forget our collaborative Spotify playlist - please submit your favorite tunes :) 
Nightowls Soundtrack

And if you want to hang out with your friends during non-owl hours join the Facebook-group: 

That's all for now - you'll hear from me again tomorrow!

Best wishes,

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