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Friday, June 6th meetup

From: Mike K.
Sent on: Thursday, June 5, 2014, 11:28 AM

Good morning,

This Friday June 6th, it will be an open discussion for everyone to participate, have fun, and learn from each other.

Come and share your wins and your problems. Your wins will encourage us all.....and your problems when shared with others won't seem so big and maybe we can even help a little.
Remember, we are the Surrey & Langley Business SUPPORT Network.

Please RSVP if you are planning to come. (and bring a guest to our group, a new perspective is always welcome)

We plan to get going by 7:30am so please be there by 7:15 to network and order your breakfast. The meeting will wrap up at 8:30 so we can hang around and visit.

See you at the Kalmar restaurant at 7:15am.......

Mike Kelly

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