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New Meetup: Cleveland Park Ride

From: David C.
Sent on: Monday, March 29, 2010, 6:00 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Swamp R.O.M.P. (Swamp Rabbit Open Minded People)!

What: Cleveland Park Ride

When: Tuesday, March 30,[masked]:30 PM

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)

We'll meet at Cleveland Park at 5:30 in the parking lot across the street from the veterans memorial, near the center of the park. We'll leave about 5:35. You'll see the picnic shelters there. We'll ride first to the Hincapie Trail, which is a really nice smooth, scenic ride of about a mile, and double back past the parking lot through the park and to Riverplace. For those still up for it, we'll ride the last section past Riverplace, which is about a mile and a half. The whole ride is about 10 miles, but there will be opportunities to drop out at 2 and 7. Bring your waterbottles, and we'll take breaks along the way. It's a beautiful ride through the park, and the weather should be gorgeous, sunny and 71 degrees. It takes me about an hour, but we'll adjust the pace to allow for the slower riders. Hope we'll see everyone there!

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