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What we’re about

"特美谷華人教會" -- 耶穌愛你 --

We are striving to build up partnership walking in Christ together. In the uncertain generation,we want to keep our focal point on Christ's faithfulness to our life. You are invited to join our team for seeking God's faithfulness through His living words;experiencing how He is changing your life through His living Spirit;enjoying love fellowship through Christ's never-ending love in among His disciples!

我們的異象是建立一個能在基督裡彼此建造及同工的團契. 在這個多變的世代讓基督成為我們生命的中心. 我們誠摯的邀請您來加入我們. 透過追求 神的話語而堅立我們的信心. 經歷那聖靈在你我生命中所做的奇妙變化. 也因著跟隨祂,而能享受 從 神來永恆不變的愛. 這愛,使我們相聚在一起!

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